Using Color Therapy to Heal Your Chakras


You have seven chakras in your body, each represented by one of the colors of the rainbow. These colors can be used to affect a person’s energy and senses in order to create balance between the body, mind, and spirit.

Color therapy is based on the theory that each color tone can be used to heal physical and emotional ailments. This is because each color has a specific wavelength in the light spectrum. Blue and violet have shorter wavelengths and faster frequencies, so they vibrate more than red, which has a longer wavelength.

In this article, I will discuss the seven chakras and how color therapy can be used to balance them.

The word ‘chakra’ is a Sanskrit term that means ‘wheel.’ Chakras are energy channels that are located along the central axis of the body. The seven chakras keep each other in check, because if balance is disrupted, there will be a negative impact on both physical and mental health. Since each chakra is associated with a specific color, color therapy can help balance an imbalanced chakra.

How Do Colors Affect Us?

Do you know why colors have such a powerful effect on human beings? They can either stimulate your energy or dull your senses. The reason why some colors affect you differently is due to their different wavelengths and frequencies, which affect different parts of the brain.

Bright colors have a stimulating effect, while muted colors are more relaxing. Colors can also affect your mood and emotions. Additionally, they can affect your perceptions. For example, light colors can make a small space appear larger, and a dark-colored high ceiling can make a room look more enclosed.

The History of Color Therapy

The use of color to promote energy in the body for healing, also known as color therapy, dates back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, India, and China. In the 1950s, a scientist named Robert Gerard used an electroencephalogram (EEG), a device that detects electrical activity in the brain, to demonstrate that colors affect the body and mind.

By testing and recording the reactions of different areas of the body when exposed to light of different colors, Gerard found that red increased energy levels in the body, while blue had a calming effect. In modern times, there has been a growing interest and research in the relationship between color therapy and the chakras. Specific shades of color can help balance different chakras and their associated physical and emotional systems.

Color Therapy Chart

Red: Root Chakra

The color red is a symbol of power, courage, passion, love, and life. It is hotter than other colors. Red can increase circulation, raise blood pressure, pulse rate, and overall energy. The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, is associated with this color. Working with the root chakra and the color red helps to ground the body, connecting us to feelings of safety, stability, and security.

Orange: Sacral Chakra

Orange is created by mixing red and yellow. This color provides more balance and retains warmth. It increases creativity and promotes socializing. Visualizing with the color orange helps alleviate depression, promoting joy and happiness.

The sacral chakra, located two to three inches below the navel, is associated with the color orange. It is related to the reproductive system, kidneys, and adrenals. Working with the sacral chakra and the color orange helps to establish a healthy balance between the body and mind.

Yellow: Solar Plexus Chakra

Yellow is a bright, empowering color that brings light and growth into your life. It helps you define yourself and is a good color for physical activities. The solar plexus chakra, located at the center of the chest, is associated with the color yellow.

This chakra is connected to the pancreas, liver, digestive system, and gallbladder. Working with the solar plexus chakra and the color yellow encourages positive, empowered thinking, which in turn connects you to your creativity, well-being, pleasure, and abundance.

Green: Heart Chakra

Green is the most calming color for the brain and is also a healing color that is more balanced than others. It connects us to our love for the world and to new growth. The heart chakra is associated with the color green. This chakra is also linked to the lungs and thymus gland, which is important for the immune system. Working with the heart chakra and the color green can balance your energy and nervous system, help you focus your mind, and uplift your mood.

Blue: Throat Chakra

Blue is a color that has a cool effect on the body and mind. It represents truth and can enhance your mind and calm your emotions. The throat chakra, which serves as a channel connecting the heart and mind, is associated with the color blue. This chakra helps regulate metabolism. Working with the throat chakra and the color blue can help you express yourself peacefully and honestly.

Indigo: Third Eye Chakra

Indigo symbolizes spirituality and higher consciousness. It has a calming effect and is associated with the third eye chakra, located between the eyebrows. This chakra is also linked to the pineal and pituitary glands, which are connected to sleep and wake cycles. Working with the third eye chakra and the color indigo can help you develop self-esteem, inner peace, discernment, intuition, wisdom, clarity, and happiness.

Purple: Crown Chakra

Purple is a calming color that can create a deep sense of relaxation. It is also used to elevate low self-esteem. The crown chakra, located at the top of the head, is associated with the color purple. The crown chakra creates a bridge between the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

The crown chakra stimulates dream activity, clarifies your thoughts, and helps you connect with your spiritual self. Each color associated with the seven chakras has a powerful ability to heal that chakra’s health. When the balance of one of your chakras is disrupted, you can increase or decrease the amount of the color associated with it.

For example, if you have an imbalanced throat chakra that causes insomnia, you can fill your bedroom with calming blue colors. Additionally, eating blue foods, burning blue candles, or visualizing the color blue during meditation can help raise the vibration of that color in your system.