Spiritual Awakening Symptoms

Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening symptoms are important to see as a sign that your spiritual awakening process has begun. There are many symptoms that you may not pay attention to, but there may be clear signs that your soul has started to awaken. You can feel these signs every day or occasionally. The more symptoms you feel, the closer you are to enlightenment.

Spiritual Awakening Symptoms

The first symptom is pain. If you feel pain in your neck, shoulders, or back, it means that you are experiencing one of the symptoms of spiritual awakening.

Change in sleep habits is another symptom. If you are experiencing spiritual awakening, you may start to develop new sleep habits. If you sleep for 2-3 hours and wake up, try to sleep a few more hours. Also, you should accept that your sleep habits have changed and not give too much importance to it.

The third sign on the list of spiritual awakening symptoms is sudden mood swings. You may feel like you’re on an emotional roller coaster, sometimes feeling happy, then suddenly angry or depressed. Positive emotions change with negative ones in just a matter of minutes. You feel these waves because your body is trying to release these emotions. You can do meditation to feel and allow them to go away from your heartbeat.

You will start to feel changes in your eating habits. You may feel strange. You have to eat what your body wants. If you feel a craving for a food that you haven’t had in a long time, you need to give your body what it wants. You may also feel an allergy or intolerance towards foods you’ve been eating for years. Your body tells you that you no longer need that food. Another spiritual awakening symptom may be a change in weight.

You may experience strange feelings in your crown chakra. You may feel a new energy in the top of your head and spine. You may experience itching, crawling, or pressure sensations. You may begin to see better. Some may start to see sparkling particles or even auras. But they also mean what they see when they keep their eyes closed, you can see colors, shapes, etc. Your hearing may improve or become strange.

You can hear sounds better. Your senses of smell, taste, and touch may improve even further. This way, you may start to smell the scents of plants and flowers better. This is experienced a lot during spiritual awakening.

Other important spiritual awakening symptoms include: skin problems (rashes, acne, eczema, etc.), intense energy, sudden warmth, looking younger, desire to break restrictive habits, vivid dreams, heart palpitations, accidents, dizziness and more.

If you experience some of these Spiritual Awakening Symptoms, it means you are luckier than you think. You are on the right path to becoming a awakened spiritual being.