How can Esoteric Dreams Help You Discover New Spiritual Perspectives?

Esoteric Dreams
Esoteric Dreams

Esoteric Dreams – The stranger the dream, the higher its spiritual meaning. Dreams have the capacity to represent all human emotions. Some dreams have no emotions, while others have both positive and negative emotions. Some emotions appear more frequently in dreams than in waking life, especially when the dream is strange, odd, unnatural or feels strange. For some people, these types of experiences spark curiosity and draw them towards dream interpretation. For others, these types of dreams make them feel bewildered and uneasy.

The useful analysis of these emotions and the intriguing effects they have on people was first introduced over 100 years ago in Sigmund Freud’s “The Uncanny” (1919). A brief examination of Freud’s argument could shed light on why dreams have always played a vital role in human spirituality from ancient times to present day.

The German word that Freud examined in this essay is “unheimlich,” which is often translated into English as “uncanny,” but more accurately means “frightening.” Something that is uncanny is the exact opposite of simple, familiar, comfortable, and known. Yet, as Freud stated, the German word “heimlich” also means hidden, kept inside. So, more specifically, the uncanny is what reveals the secret of something that was once known and familiar, then lost and hidden. To feel the uncanny is to experience the frightening horror of the strange and the unforgettable wonder of the suppressed, as Freud referred to as “the return of the repressed.

What Happens If You Experience a Strong Sense of Uncertainty in Esoteric Dreams

First Step: Stop and Pay Close Attention. There is more going on here than in your normal dreams.

Second Step: Think about exactly what, which image, character or action caused this extraordinary emotional response in the dream.

Freud identifies several recurring themes or motifs that tend to evoke a sense of uncanniness; one of them might be related to your experience.


  •  Something that appears as an object is actually alive.
  •  Something that looks like a human is actually an object or a robot.
  •  Threats to eyes or limbs.
  •  Compelling repetitions and strange rhythms.
  •  Getting lost in a forest or labyrinth.
  •  Strange coincidences.
  •  Death, corpses, graveyards.
  •  Ghosts.
  •  Body parts that move independently of the mind.
  •  Being buried alive.
  •  Deja vu.


The common emotional link in all these phenomena is the feeling of encountering something that is both familiar and unfamiliar, real and not real, gone a long time ago and still present. According to Freud, the uncanny experience reveals the powerful domains of the subconscious, which we can rarely access in the waking state. It becomes incredibly disturbing because it forces the waking ego to confront what lies beyond its own limits of self-awareness and ordinary consciousness.

Of course, this is what makes the uncanny experience so powerful, both psychologically (by integrating the conscious and unconscious aspects of the self) and spiritually (by perceiving new dimensions of reality), for growth.

  • When you dream of a mysterious dream, it means that you have a special opportunity to expand your self-awareness and discover new spiritual insights about your life.
  • Despite their disturbing qualities, eerie dreams invite you to develop an expanded view of the self and reality as a whole.